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Tuning projects

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Schoolie Customer
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IMG 2371

This aldebaran 50mg was the first reel I decided to mess around with a few years ago and slowly tune to a bfs reel . Over time I found zpi bfc parts and with the latest addition I completed it with a racing red bfc732 spool

My next project will be on a newly acquired tdz personal order. I currently have a few zpi parts set aside for it, but it will still be some time before it’s complete.
Anyone else working on any tuning projects this winter ? 

RISE, Good Times, dragon1 and 1 people reacted
Slot Fish
Joined: 3 years ago
Posts: 172

Keep us posted of how it goes! I have done both of those reels/platforms before and there is a lot of options out there for mods. 

Here is an Alde with Avail 936 spool and a PO with a ZPI red spool


65AC79FC E605 4785 A09B C0DFE61326AD
80BEF418 F79B 4093 A17A 3909B533BAEF
88DFB961 650C 4577 91D7 AAE08304F82F

RISE, Good Times, dragon1 and 1 people reacted
Schoolie Customer
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@kickerfish1 good stuff man. I have a set of og corks I plan on putting on my PO. What kind of tension knob is that on yours ?

RISE, dragon1 and Kickerfish1 reacted
Slot Fish
Joined: 3 years ago
Posts: 172

Thanks. The CC cap is from a 2016 Zillion SV 7:1 1016. Then Handle is a chrome Avail 90mm swept with a red handle nut retainer and the star is a SLP works swept threaded red star. I went with a chrome and red theme to match the frame and the engine cover, thumb bar and nose piece. 

RISE, TILB and dragon1 reacted
Double Digit Customer
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Posts: 509

Posted by: @tilb

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This aldebaran 50mg was the first reel I decided to mess around with a few years ago and slowly tune to a bfs reel . Over time I found zpi bfc parts and with the latest addition I completed it with a racing red bfc732 spool

My next project will be on a newly acquired tdz personal order. I currently have a few zpi parts set aside for it, but it will still be some time before it’s complete.
Anyone else working on any tuning projects this winter ? 



YOU had me at TDZ Personal Order!!


TILB and RISE reacted
Double Digit Admin
Joined: 5 years ago
Posts: 1273

Too much 🔥 in this thread…👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻

I’ve got a few things in the works. I’ll post them up this week or the next. That PO is gonna be a blast to build. Keep us posted and let me know if you’re looking for anything in particular. I’d be happy to help if I can. 🫡

TILB reacted