Overlay 5s and Torq...
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Overlay 5s and Torque Tune spinner

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Double Digit Admin
Joined: 5 years ago
Posts: 1280
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A couple more join the stable, including a new Overlay on a 5s designation and….

New Designo Overlay DLO C65MHRST5s. Level 6+ blank is real close to those Level 7s from what I’ve felt so far in the sensitivity department. Xtra fast taper, balance…on point and aesthetic upgrades/refinement are really nice. Two tone winding checks, etc…it’s the little things. 

New Designo Torque Tune DLT SJ64UL/MRST2s…yes it’s a fairy wand and it was a gift, so don’t judge me. 

Jokes aside…UL tip section on a Medium powered mid-butt section…this rod feels outstanding in hand and will make me buy a small egg beater for it. I’m impressed, but not surprised. As always..Kamiya San is doing it right, IMO.

IMG 3573
IMG 3571
IMG 3570
IMG 3574
IMG 3569
IMG 3572
IMG 3578
IMG 3576
IMG 3579
IMG 3575
IMG 3577
IMG 3582
IMG 3583

BlitzDR, Gaijin, Polkfish1 and 2 people reacted
Double Digit
Joined: 3 years ago
Posts: 701

WOW!  Those monotone themes are gonna get Tim Starnes pretty friggin' worked up!!!

Beautiful pieces Greg!

RISE reacted
Slot Fish Admin
Joined: 3 years ago
Posts: 166

They look great! 

RISE and dragon1 reacted
Limit Filler Customer
Joined: 3 years ago
Posts: 81

I have been very curious about the Overlay line-up, but the length is kinda a turn off. Stellar mail call as always.

Always learning...

RISE and dragon1 reacted
Double Digit Admin
Joined: 5 years ago
Posts: 1280
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Posted by: @pkn8

I have been very curious about the Overlay line-up, but the length is kinda a turn off. Stellar mail call as always.

Thanks, Nate. 

Don’t fear shorter rods, though. Even if you’re bank fishing…they definitely have their place. 

I let go of that fear a long time ago and I’m truly glad I did. I was missing out on some amazing sticks, because of preconceived notions. Contempt prior to thorough investigation is more harmful than helpful, IMO. 

