Trout Tackle Porn
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Trout Tackle Porn

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I was starting to getting a little bored with bass gear, so decided to jump on the Mountain Stream train. Still putting things together, but so far I've obtained an Anglo & Company pack rod and about a dozen handmade balsa minnows from various Japanese handcraftsman. Also picked up a couple of MIJ handmade leather lure wallets. Still waiting on the delivery of the 23 Conquest BFS, but I will eventually build a from scratch Avail Abu. The CT SV w/ KTF will have to do for now.Ā  With the re-opening of trout fishing in certain areas of Japan, some items are at such a premium they command 2-3x retail.Ā 

right (7)


left (2)



Gaijin and dragon1 reacted
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Absolutely beautiful. Lovin the wraps, as well. Who makes em?Ā 

dragon1 reacted
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Posted by: @rise

Absolutely beautiful. Lovin the wraps, as well. Who makes em?Ā 

Thank you so much. If your talking about the lure wallets, it is a outfit call Jem Leather Works, superb quality and an outstanding price. The fur lined is $65 and the wool $45. For comparision the Anglo lure wallets resell for $200-$300 and they look almost identical.

Wallet 1

There is a link to the YJP auctions in the blog.Ā 



dragon1 and RISE reacted
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Stunning. Thank you for the info. I need a couple of those in my life. 🤙🏼🙏🏼

dragon1 reacted
Good Times
Slot Fish
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Awesome... I love Trout, wonderful fish. Elegant, beautiful, sometimes more aggressive than most realize. I spent much of my younger years chasing them, to this day often miss that environment and I'm excited for you.

dragon1 reacted
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My impatience for the Conquest BFS release got the best of me. I had been looking and bidding on Abu's for the last month, never finding the right reel for the right price. I was also a little daunted by the fact that I would still have to invest time, effort and 1k for a full avail build. I'm glad that did not come to fruition before I made a hard left turn into a Try-Angle 420 10th anniversary. What a stellar reel, a hommage to the Abu, done up with Japanese pride and craftsmanship. Out of the box ready for 2grams at a svelt 212 grams. Initially from the pictures I was put off by the bronze colored knobs and on the fence about the handle. So much so, that I spent all of 4 hours searching for a 35MM black NS Craft single handle, so I could swap as soon as it arrived. Never found one. While unboxing, after bieng taken aback at how incredibly compact this reel actually is, I realized that the handle and knobs bring an element of further refinement to this reel, I'd go as far as to say boujee. Not much to upgrade on this reel, I ordered a carbon drag (might already have it?) and a double ball bearing cog. Can't wait to get it on the water.

Oh, a day after ordering this I found the right Abu at the right price, it's on its way {blue}:scared: Ā 

IMG 8618


IMG 8620
IMG 8604


Gaijin and dragon1 reacted
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You are a dirty, dirty manā€¦absolutely outstanding. Easily one of my favorite finishes on their offerings. They are stunning in stock form, no need for modding them, IMO. Huge congrats on these two new family members. 🤙🏼Ā 


dragon1 reacted
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Looks almost the same as out of the box, but my wallet and the scale say otherwise. Put this cherry bomb on the Avail diet. A couple final steps before it's complete. As much as I like the little red handle, I'm going to take it and the knob up a notch. These are amazing little reels and if you have the inclination, do yourself a favor. Big thanks to Tincanary for answering a multitude of questions through the process, he's an Abu wizard.

Several more shipments on the way..

Ch Ch Ch Ch, Cherry Bomb

dragon1 reacted
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not an ABU guy but looks beautiful. What rod will you be pairing it with?Ā 

dragon1 reacted
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Posted by: @keeping-it-reel

not an ABU guy but looks beautiful. What rod will you be pairing it with?Ā 

That's the million dollar question and comes with a long story. Origionally this was going to go on the "at the time" yet to be released M-Aire 53MLC UD Glass, which previous interations had a white blank and ruby red thread. Of course to ensure I secured one, I pre-orered.Ā  Little did I know that this builder switches up colors every year and you don't know what until it is released. Masakage must have been hitting the homeade Kombucha hard the night he decided because he came up with a varitable clown show. Witness:


I guess I should have gotten the Sunset Orange or Green Abu..haha At the end of the day I will probobly end up putting the ever neutral 23 Conquest BFS on this rod when they both arrive. The Conquest BFS is probobly a better fit anyway. The rod is considered mid-stream capable, which means it can handle bigger trout and heavier baits and make longer casts.Ā 

In my daily scour of YJP, I came across a fairly rare I's Wood Works Antler and Quince Wood Handle that I ended up winning. I also found a handle knob by the same maker that closely matches the wood. This is a starting point for one option for the red Abu.Ā 

I's Wood Works Handle





If I follow this path the next step is finding a rod for the handle. There are not alot of readily available options and the best (one of the Casket variations) are hard to come by and sell at a 2-3x premium. Powerful Worker and Hitotoki Works are readily available, but I'm not sure they are on par with the handle and the reel.Ā 

I almost pulled the trigger on this Samuri Craft-Storm Silence 51UL yesterday, but I am having a hard time paying the retail price of 1k on a rod with TI/SIC guides. I would be basically paying for the handle and full grain leather bag it comes in. It's hard to see in the picture but the blank is Sakura pink (UD Glass). The guy only makes 3 rods of each of the 4 series he carries every year.

sts 51ulb

There is always the unicorn white and red Anglo G411 if one ever comes up on YJP and I want to sell a kidney.Ā 

If you've made it to the bottom of this, congratulation! I'm sure most have no f'in idea what I am talking about. haha

I'll post some more pics as things arrive.Ā 

Gaijin and dragon1 reacted
Double Digit Admin
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@aquaftm, love it...You are gonna push me over the edge and make me go down another rabbit hole....I hate you a little good way. Beautiful stuff.

The 1500, 420 or conquest should all be amazing pairings with that it for g*d's it. Report back when it arrives. I believe in you.Ā 



dragon1 reacted
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This thread is fantastic. Thoroughly enjoyed reading about the hunt and realized how much there is to learn about high end trout gear.Ā 

dragon1 reacted
Double Digit
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Guuud Gawd...INSANITY cranked up a couple more notches.Ā Ā 

Thanks for sharing these incredible treasures.

Limit Filler Customer
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I appriciate the positive responses. It's been a good feeling getting rejuvinated on fishing goods again. I was becoming a bit numb to new bass gear over the past year or so. I've gained a great appriciation for heritage style craftsmanship of all types recently and it's nice to tie it together with fishing. Had a new shipment arrive today. Some NS Craft handles, I's Woods knobs and grip, and as a bonus a handmade balsa by one of the best, which coincidentally matches that clown show of a rod that should be arriving early next week..haha. I might even have to make my first instagram post...haha

IMG 0116
IMG 0111
IMG 8759

RISE and dragon1 reacted
Double Digit Admin
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Posts: 1292

Posted by: @aquaftm

I appriciate the positive responses. It's been a good feeling getting rejuvinated on fishing goods again. I was becoming a bit numb to new bass gear over the past year or so. I've gained a great appriciation for heritage style craftsmanship of all types recently and it's nice to tie it together with fishing. Had a new shipment arrive today. Some NS Craft handles, I's Woods knobs and grip, and as a bonus a handmade balsa by one of the best, which coincidentally matches that clown show of a rod that should be arriving early next week..haha. I might even have to make my first instagram post...haha

IMG 0116
IMG 0111
IMG 8759


I can relate on that feeling if stagnation/loosing interest. Thereā€™s quite a bit of monotony in this industry. Butā€¦.this is what itā€™s all about. Trying new things and venturing into different realms of this sport. Enjoy every minuteā€¦


were the millers no ragrets GIF


Gaijin reacted
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