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After market spool for Daiwa Steez HLC

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Chunky Monkey Customer
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japantackle has a spool that supposedly will allow casting down to 1/2 oz baits from 3/4 oz baits.  In for a penny, in for a pound, I guess.

Will report back

RISE reacted
Double Digit Admin
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Some great 36mm options out there. Let us know what your experience is. 

IMG 5687

Chunky Monkey Customer
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Will do.  There was ZERO interest in the reel on quite a few forums over the weekend at a good price.  Figured it would be better to pick up the spool at this point than give the reel away.

dragon1 and RISE reacted
Double Digit Admin
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Agreed. Tough market right now…much more fun to keep it and play with it. 

dragon1 reacted
Chunky Monkey Customer
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3 words about "mild" TW spool:  Night and Day!

Like the new spool OVERALL, there's a little buzz at the end of the retrieve, could be a bit too much line.  Other than that, cast the RAID Gi w/4 light tungsten tapes at "0", very mile overrun.  Made adjustment to 10 (halfway) and it was perfect!

Even if I don't go with swimbaits, it will be great with Lucky Craft BDS 3s, Blitz Max and the light.

Will provide follow up with buzzing noise.

dragon1 reacted
Chunky Monkey Customer
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Posted by: @blitzdr

3 words about "mild" TW spool:  Night and Day!

Like the new spool OVERALL, there's a little buzz at the end of the retrieve, could be a bit too much line.  Other than that, cast the RAID Gi w/4 light tungsten tapes at "0", very mile overrun.  Made adjustment to 10 (halfway) and it was perfect!

Even if I don't go with swimbaits, it will be great with Lucky Craft BDS 3s, Blitz Max and the light.

Will provide follow up with buzzing noise.

Checked back, think I overfilled but I'll know for sure next week.  I removed about 5 yds of line.  Also oiled bearings.


dragon1 reacted
Chunky Monkey Customer
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The HLC remained in my rotation.  Between experience, research and shuffling rods around, I'm getting the hang of the HLC.  Some suggestions for those who have the reel and are cold on it or thinking about getting it and turned off by the horror stories, here what I've learned.

1.  Get the "mild" spool!  It works!

2.  Sidearm casts make a big difference.  I did what I guess a lot of people did when they first tried to cast, overhand like trying to throw saltwater gamefish baits over the surf.  Stopped working hard and started working smart!  Sidearm casting with baits in the 1 1/4 oz - 2 oz range is getting me to some respectable distances.

3.  Not for slow tapers!  The first rod I tried was the JDM EG Phase PCSC-70MHR Wild Shooter.  Two problems with that:  it just didn't feel good, was unable to set the hook on a BIG fish, heartbreak city.  Went to the JDM Steez Harrier Shorty, better.  Not great but better.  Casting is much better.  Next rod up, RAID Japan "King Heavy", fingers crossed!

4.  The HLC is also a 36mm spool, the A II is a 34mm spool.  The IPT of the HLC 6.3 is 28".  The IPT of the Steez A II 6.3 is 26.4", 7.1 is 29.5".  Almost 2" more IPT with the same RR.  Compare apples to apples, you've got more even playing field.  And another reason to stick with the HLC.

We'll see how that goes.  Stay tuned!


Double Digit Customer
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Posts: 525

Posted by: @blitzdr

Will do.  There was ZERO interest in the reel on quite a few forums over the weekend at a good price.  Figured it would be better to pick up the spool at this point than give the reel away.


I love the reel and if prices go down more I’ll get another and swap out the spool


RISE reacted
Double Digit
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Posts: 719

Bump...I have one inbound in a 6.3:1...gonna try some higher viscosity bearing oil as well if needed for more spool control, and then perhaps a rotor spring swap.

I plan to pair with a custom Otterod MHX 907CB and 30-40 braid + leader for launching aerodynamic 5/8-1.25 oz baits.

RISE reacted
Double Digit
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Posts: 719

Okay, this St. Croix as I suspected, is a much better match to load and cast with the Steez A HLC spool...all the videos of the Japanese guys bomb casting the Steez A HLC was with a longer, more moderate fast deeper loading blank. I am now casting a 1/2 frog with much better ease and distance than the MHX CB907.

This ODIN custom rods SCV 78MHM-B (cut down to 7'4" and has 12 x Fuji Ti Torzite guides), is a more responsive and powerful blank than the mahogany blank GLoomis CBR 845, but rated essentially the same. The taper is more fast/mod-fast vs the CBR 845 that is a true mod-fast. The blank is much more crisp and sensitive as well, and much lighter and very thin diameter. The backbone kicks in sooner as well, especially since 4" was cut off the bottom, so it should handle 3/8-1 oz pretty well and has more backbone for setting single hooks... it feels about perfect for 1/4-3/8 paddle tails up to say 4.25" baits.

The only issue is that the builder should have recommended a spiral wrap, although the guy that ordered it may not have wanted it that way...the line definitely hits on the blank on the first two guides when the rod is loaded up for a good hookset.

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RISE and BlitzDR reacted