Recent BFS outing
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Recent BFS outing

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Schoolie Customer
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First post on this forum for me. Thought I would share a set up 

 My most recent outings were 2 days wading a local river. picked up the RAID GA-65PBF as it can handle many different baits for me. Paired it up with a og aldebaran mg with a Yumeya bfs spool, zpi bfc handle and drag star kit and zpi bearings. The one bait that got it done for me was a Nories escape chibi twin on a 1/0 Decoy zero dan. Also caught a fun bonus top water fish on a RAID two side. I’d like to see some other members go-to setups or BFS setups. I’ll drop a couple recent pictures of my setup and fish catches below.  

IMG 1712
IMG 1669
IMG 1668


IMG 1655


Kickerfish1, BlitzDR, dragon1 and 3 people reacted
Slot Fish Admin
Joined: 3 years ago
Posts: 166

Hey! Welcome to TP bro! Good to see you here on the forms! Nice to see you rocking that RJ hat! 

I think you know my set ups, but feast your eyes. Lol

IMG 6750
D09EC8B6 0E3F 486B BD6C 80DF66E7200C
IMG 1010
IMG 0258 jpg
IMG 6764
IMG 6281

 Again, great having you here. Bring on the raid stuff! 

Kickerfish1, dragon1, BlitzDR and 1 people reacted
Good Times
Slot Fish
Joined: 3 years ago
Posts: 169

Nice intro, if only everyone put forth such effort. You’ll have to forgive me, I tend to view bfs as a joke, nothing personal to anyone, just rather use a spinner for light application is all. And I don’t often throw light applications much anymore, save for certain species anyway. But in whatever event, glad you’re with, keep the posts rolling. Interaction is key with such a young site trying to lift off. I’m glad you shared, and I loved reading your first post. Very classy. Well done.

TILB, Kickerfish1, Gaijin and 1 people reacted
Limit Filler
Joined: 3 years ago
Posts: 59

Welcome to the group! Nice catches. I haven't fished much BFS lately as I'm focused on tournaments,but I did enjoy it. Looking forward to more posts from you. 

TILB, Kickerfish1 and Gaijin reacted
Double Digit Admin
Joined: 5 years ago
Posts: 1262

Great intro post and welcome aboard, bud…real good to have you here. 

BIG fan of older reels/mods and many of the older rod offerings, along with newer stuff too. Love that ZPI-tuned Alde, VERY nicely done.  

I’ve got a KTF tuned 09, on a Designo 10th anniversary Ltd 67ml. Fun combo. 

ARMS 6903/Steez CT is another power BFS combo that’s been getting recent water time. 

Gotta ask…How are you liking sensitivity and power of that Anti? Taper lean towards a true fast or more of a medium fast in your opinion? 

Some favorites over the years and right now, off the top of my head…in no particular order.

X7 Extreme Mission and KTF/ZPI Tuned Steez SV TW is ALWAYS on deck, sometime 2 or 3 of that same/very similar setup, depending on where I’m fishing. It’s been so hard to beat over the years for larger soft plastics, whether it be T-rigs, Tokyos, Mojos or others. When fishing deeper water/offshore structure…it’s all I want in my hand for those duties. Just a proven combo that’s put so many quality fish in the boat. Bury/cremate me with that rod…

Designo Vantage Semi Order 71H/19 Morethan Big Worms, and creatures.

Luxxe Oltre B70H/Steez Ltd or 19 Antares (as of lately). 3/8-1/2 oz jig/trailer and other bottom contact duties. Keitech footballs, and other smaller profile jigs/trailers are what I really prefer tossing on it.

Steez Racing Design Technical Tune and 7011HRB, both with Modded Steez SVTWs, tossing various plastics and Tex-sposed softies, slow rolled along the bottom.

Jota Slant Bridge Dorrum Tune/Steez Modded SHA is always in the boat for jerkbaits and topwater. From Itö Shiners to Pointer 128s and PopMax. A classic that will never die for me. 

Evergreen Black Raven SS/Heavily Modded Amber Pixzilla for light T-rigs 1/8 oz, 1/0 Owner Riggin hook and thicker profile soft plastics.

Rapid Gunner RSR/19 Morethan Heavier Bottom Contact/Jig Duties. 

X7 Super Eiger (2014) modded 2012 Alde BFS XG handles everything from drop shots to X80/pointer 78/similar and various 1/4 poppers. This rod is capable of so many things. 

Sedition Cristobal Ltd/modded Zonda 68/MB Zonda Honeycomb spool, my favorite Drop shot rod/combo. 

White Python Slant bridge/Z2020 or Z200/Mag Cranks, Smaller Swimmers, Bigger Crawlers…holds a special place in my heart. Caught/landed me my new PB a few years back. A rod that’s also truly special in terms of legacy. MBs finest years. 

Sedition Lion Heart/Z2020 Ltd Black is always in the boat too. Hudd, 250s, 230s, and other swimmers…great BB stick.

Tiemco Fenwick Aces 74MH/Tuned/modded TDZ AOI, for various things. Swim Jigs, Heavier Spinnerbaits, etc.

RAID Bishop/Steez SVTW, for Gikas…been a blast

Tiemco Fenwick Super Techna 610MH/Megabass IS73 Viola…Tokyo rigs, weightless plastics.

X7 Amart 71/SV103/60lb FX2 or 20lb Sniper for pitchin to heavier cover. 3/8-1oz plus bait, it’s surprisingly capable and can double as a frog rod/combo in a pinch. 

PS: For the record…Zero Dan Fan as well along with Owner Jig Rig. Reigns Ring Craw, and/or Dolive beaver are usually on board. Some various pics of mentioned combos.

IMG 1400
IMG 1165
IMG 7150
IMG 0974
IMG 0976
IMG 1383
AB9BF9B4 B609 48A8 85A0 C859A96C602A
cristobal in hand 1
EC4392A1 7692 4A71 AD0F 9169BBB70C39
IMG 9027
IMG 8898
25B32551 0262 44C0 ACF1 FE304AE22E0A
IMG 2741
IMG 8290
IMG 8506
IMG 2462


Double Digit
Joined: 3 years ago
Posts: 696
IMG 20220109 164129725
IMG 20220109 164053463
IMG 20220109 164125102
IMG 20210928 113820417 HDR
IMG 20230127 173547082 HDR
IMG 20220109 164038883
IMG 20201013 175402929
IMG 20220420 182819502
IMG 20210626 085934 209
IMG 20190831 084057572 HDR
IMG 20220420 182843315 HDR
IMG 20190930 221451812
IMG 20220109 164113861
IMG 20220109 163935681

Kickerfish1 and RISE reacted
Double Digit
Joined: 3 years ago
Posts: 696

Welcome to the forum, and great to see the next generation representin'!

Above are a few shots of my mag-finesse and BFS oriented gear from now and in the past.

TILB, Kickerfish1, Gaijin and 1 people reacted
Slot Fish
Joined: 3 years ago
Posts: 169

Welcome, since you like finesse ans BFS here are some of my BFS and mag finnesee combos! Feel free to ask any questions you might have. Lots of peeps here with great knowledge of all this.



TILB, Gaijin and dragon1 reacted
Slot Fish
Joined: 3 years ago
Posts: 169


8CB0B4DD DA41 4BE7 8612 19248CA94CEF

Welcome, since you like finesse ans BFS here are some of my BFS and mag finnesee combos! Feel free to ask any questions you might have. Lots of peeps here with great knowledge of all this.




DDA0A0E4 3CF7 4C6C B2DB FA890B601B0A
0BFC1DC1 0EF5 4042 913B 6882142504C6
BE960A07 5388 440B A08F CC9BD8B17C4A
1F6CA81A 73E3 41FA B454 8BCC9EC908AA
3922BB0E 5133 4B63 81EF B1C89F25C590
6CB8789F 20D2 40B8 A398 FF85213A5FF8
EBBAA6B5 53D4 454D 9853 AFD9C5B4A18D
58A45C82 89E8 4847 9566 0DB9D019D417

Gaijin, dragon1 and RISE reacted
Double Digit Admin
Joined: 5 years ago
Posts: 1262

Posted by: @dragon1

IMG 20220109 164129725
IMG 20220109 164053463
IMG 20220109 164125102
IMG 20210928 113820417 HDR
IMG 20230127 173547082 HDR
IMG 20220109 164038883
IMG 20201013 175402929
IMG 20220420 182819502
IMG 20210626 085934 209
IMG 20190831 084057572 HDR
IMG 20220420 182843315 HDR
IMG 20190930 221451812
IMG 20220109 164113861
IMG 20220109 163935681




Gaijin and dragon1 reacted
Double Digit Admin
Joined: 5 years ago
Posts: 1262

Posted by: @kickerfish1


8CB0B4DD DA41 4BE7 8612 19248CA94CEF

Welcome, since you like finesse ans BFS here are some of my BFS and mag finnesee combos! Feel free to ask any questions you might have. Lots of peeps here with great knowledge of all this.




DDA0A0E4 3CF7 4C6C B2DB FA890B601B0A
0BFC1DC1 0EF5 4042 913B 6882142504C6
BE960A07 5388 440B A08F CC9BD8B17C4A
1F6CA81A 73E3 41FA B454 8BCC9EC908AA
3922BB0E 5133 4B63 81EF B1C89F25C590
6CB8789F 20D2 40B8 A398 FF85213A5FF8
EBBAA6B5 53D4 454D 9853 AFD9C5B4A18D
58A45C82 89E8 4847 9566 0DB9D019D417



LOVE the amber Pixy with BassArts on it. 🤙🏼

Which is your favorite right now? 


Double Digit
Joined: 3 years ago
Posts: 696


Friggin' beautiful combos John, as always bro.  That Pixy Type R is schuuuweeet!

I am liking the Gekkabijin as well.

IMG 20230920 083857799
IMG 20230923 125611841
IMG 20230923 125628938

Kickerfish1, Gaijin and RISE reacted
Double Digit
Joined: 3 years ago
Posts: 696


Stellar and slobber-worthy as always Greg...youz gotz da goods, bro!

Gaijin reacted
Slot Fish Admin
Joined: 3 years ago
Posts: 166

Some freaking great content posted here! Makes me wanna buy more! 🤣🤣🤣

It’s so cool how BFS is taking off in the states. I wonder what Japan has up it’s sleeve next… lol 

RISE and Kickerfish1 reacted
Slot Fish
Joined: 3 years ago
Posts: 169

@rise - hard to say. I love the ergos of the Pixy platform a lot. The Gek is just such a smooth and effortless caster in stock form. The Steez CT is or at the very least one of the smoothest reels I have ever used. Like no gear mesh smooth. Not sure I have a favorite but if I could combine the best parts of each platform into one reel it would be that new creation

dragon1, RISE and Gaijin reacted
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