We are upgrading/updating the light box plug-in. There is a script conflict/error occurring, so we are correcting the issue…also, increasing resolution while we are at it. Swipe after pic expansion is not working for now and there may be other glitches until the updates are completed. Everything was custom written after a certain point and we are doing that again, but with improvements, so please stand by as we work through this. Always trying to improve the site, just takes some time. Sincerely appreciate you guys. 🙏🏼🙏🏼
Koolio Greg, thank you for the update. Will the thmbs up like come back around as well?
Everything has been updated/upgraded. Swipe and pinch to zoom for every pic in a thread work and resolution has been upgraded. Appreciate everyone’s patience.
@dragon1 thumbs up never left, brother. It's under the avatar on the left.