I’d be down. And every 5 years I’ll host it at my house here in Japan. lol
And seriously I’d be all about it. I’d say we try to do a central location first to try and get as many to join as possible. Once it gets started I’m sure we could move around. I’m also in the Midwest when I’m states side. lol count me in when I’m back.
This would be incredible…
Flights to Vegas at certain times of the year is less and $100. Not a true central location but easily cheapest for all.
Very solid idea.
Been chewing on this... Yes, Vegas is a destination most might find reason to be. But is it really a good idea to have dudes like us in Vegas? Bunch of gamblers and booze and drugs and hookers running around? Uhhh... never mind. Just talked myself into it. Count me in.