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Morris Graphite Works 7th Fighter

18 Posts
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96D5991E 4E2F 4AE6 99F6 146267A4E3A2
4DFBBA7F C600 4299 BEDD BC0B5C48B767
FF216909 907F 49C0 822F C013BB6FFDBA
FAC30877 AB4A 4C9D 82E4 F327951AF8F8
9C47A330 B653 4491 A52F 419D30BD325C
9C709F0E 67F0 4BD2 8B43 CA20066B0325
E911B0EC 8E49 4CE9 B3E8 0B5F0063E5AA
438E2F07 72B1 4510 A692 0016BA1BF442
46038679 B69F 4339 8E6B 1CAF08A55893
E4C1B5C9 7CD6 4338 B4DE E07691C90B87
6AF98C87 C190 465D A5BF 693E12BF2250
51281CF3 785E 44BD AC96 D70F98839C19
B97214B4 A614 4A7F BEA9 70A2F94A2013
68DCD97F 0E66 46AC 9227 F029820E804B
3BBCE21F 0962 4C34 BB2A 3D61648D0819
5B26E903 3802 4479 92DA C9198D5876E4
EE2C6E63 AE69 4E1A BB9F 90B15290D2C7
F5EBC3C6 F3BA 4151 B035 1F12AFED1111
F47CCB21 E38C 47A7 B1BA A9735035F70D
43746610 8665 408C AA34 5D278BB2EE30
B7ACD771 5643 41F8 82EE F3F8EE8B81FD
3199A7E0 44F7 4242 8FCD D411F391FED5
968ABC14 1595 49F4 9C4C E49458F71135
77F9CA19 B3B8 4915 AFB8 2CA8F49BFCDE

First travel rod purchase in over 25 years.


I’ve been eye-fucking the MGW/Varivas sticks for a long, long time and just couldn’t take it any more…had to add one to the collection.


A brand new:

Morrris Graphite Works/Varivas

7th Fighter 70EX.

A 4-piece, piece of art.


Incredibly clean, detailed and unique build. So many colors that it’s gonna be tough to pick just one reel to pair it with. Great handle length for two-handed casting, taper speaks of versatility, and really seems like it would handle both single hook and treble duties beautifully, but could probably dish out some plastics in certain rigging modes as well. I’ll put it through many tests. Overall a very light stick and just ever-so-slightly tip-heavy without a reel on board, but that’s honestly not of any real concern to me as it should balance out nicely with planned pairings strapped on. Not to mention, it’ll most likely be used primarily for tip-down presentations. Love the embroidery on the outer hard case and the hand-painted alignment dots on each side of the ferrules. I’m personally, also a sucker for that modified small trigger. 

In addition to that….Easily, the most gangsta packing job ever. My sincere thanks to the seller. Above and beyond. I’m grateful.

Thanks for lookin.

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Talk about bomb proof packaging 😆

And that rod is pretty cool 😉 too bad I know nothing about them. 

RISE reacted
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Looking forwards to your thoughts! It's definitely a fun one to fish with🤘🏼

dragon1 reacted
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Posted by: @lue

Looking forwards to your thoughts! It's definitely a fun one to fish with🤘🏼

Appreciate you, brother. Looking forward to comparing notes. I’ll have it out in the next couple of weeks.

Proud Of You Reaction GIF


Double Digit
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Daaaayyyuuum...straight up friggin' badass travel stick.

Thanks for sharing Greg,and give us a follow up review after you spend some time on the water with it.

RISE reacted
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These are beyond beautiful. I’ve been following @builder_adachi on IG for a while now. Eye fucking the stuff he builds is a straight forward way of putting it. Everything he touches appears incredible, but this particular model is what grabbed me the most also. I must find this eventually.

RISE and dragon1 reacted
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F8249FFD 84AC 4600 B24F A0C3CE4B4AB6

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@polkfish1 outstanding quality and attention to detail…you won’t be disappointed with aesthetics. I haven’t had any time in the water with it yet, but a fellow enthusiast here on the forum likes his, especially for the versatility. He did note, and I can confirm that it is slightly tip-heavy with lighter reels on board, so something “substantial” will balance it out nicely. I’m liking how the Monoblock feels on board. May also try pairing it with an old school ABU as well. 

dragon1 reacted
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@rise Oh man! Twin brother of mine, that Racing Milano looks amazing on it!

RISE and dragon1 reacted
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Posted by: @rise
F8249FFD 84AC 4600 B24F A0C3CE4B4AB6

Awwwww Hells Fucquing Yeah!!!  Prince's "CREAM" tappin' in the background.

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Posted by: @lue

@rise Oh man! Twin brother of mine, that Racing Milano looks amazing on it!

Thanks, bud.

bow bowing GIF


Limit Filler Customer
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Since this was initially posted by Rise in 2021, this has been the one rod I ‘needed’. Just noticed that the latest iteration of these has gone out to stores just in case anyone else has not been able to fish without one. 😄

RISE and dragon1 reacted
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@polkfish1 congrats on the acquisition, brother…easily one the most beautiful rods ever built, IMO.

Limit Filler Customer
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@rise Funny thing is that I’m actually in Japan and even visited Biwa just a couple days ago but I ordered the rod via one of the usual online shops while here. So the rod will likely beat me home because of this typhoon.

RISE reacted
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@polkfish1 I see!…ironically, my brother and his wife are there right now as well. Said that it hasn’t been crazy bad, but it’s preventing them from traveling for the time being. Be safe!!
So…did you do get to fish Biwa at all?

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