Varivas Avani Casti...
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Varivas Avani Casting PE SMP Super Max Power x8

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Chunky Monkey Customer
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I bought a new JDM Daiwa Steez Stratofortress rod. Line specs for this particular rods are up to PE 5. According to my research, Varivas Avani Casting PE Max Power X8 300m has a strength up to 78lb test. Nylon is 14-30lb test. The rod is 6'8" H. I've used up to 50lb braid for frogs.
Does this sound like a reasonable strength? I was going to use a 22lb Sunline Armilo leader.


dragon1 reacted
Good Times
Slot Fish
Joined: 3 years ago
Posts: 170


THAT is an interesting stick, I prefer shorter options such as this.


Anyway, first thought is overkill. I have only limited experience with Varivas, but I’ve always felt best at 2-1 variance given braid is impact strength vs pull strength of resin. 30/15, 40/20, 50/25 etc. But here, Summer in thick, 50lb is benchmark for no shock leader. Some go upward of even 100lb believe it or not, and on sticks much less powerful. But with leader there is no cause, of which 22 is reasonable. That’s probably about what I’d reach for myself given stick rating.


But what and where matters, of course. You know what you're doing. I’ve thrown considerably over 4oz with 20lb leaders myself, didn’t think twice about it, and feel you’re quite good at 22 and like Armilo for leader. It’s a fine option. I won’t talk you out of the braid, but the question does become how much is too much. You’re fine with it, but probably don’t need it is what I’m thinking. Just sharing thoughts.

dragon1, RISE and BlitzDR reacted
Chunky Monkey Customer
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Posted by: @one-love


THAT is an interesting stick, I prefer shorter options such as this.


Anyway, first thought is overkill. I have only limited experience with Varivas, but I’ve always felt best at 2-1 variance given braid is impact strength vs pull strength of resin. 30/15, 40/20, 50/25 etc. But here, Summer in thick, 50lb is benchmark for no shock leader. Some go upward of even 100lb believe it or not, and on sticks much less powerful. But with leader there is no cause, of which 22 is reasonable. That’s probably about what I’d reach for myself given stick rating.


But what and where matters, of course. You know what you're doing. I’ve thrown considerably over 4oz with 20lb leaders myself, didn’t think twice about it, and feel you’re quite good at 22 and like Armilo for leader. It’s a fine option. I won’t talk you out of the braid, but the question does become how much is too much. You’re fine with it, but probably don’t need it is what I’m thinking. Just sharing thoughts.


Quick note, the 50lb braid was on a different rod, not the Stratofortress, just to clarify.


The primary lake I fish doesn't have much grass or veg, a lot of overhanging trees, fallen trees and brush.  Also has LMB, many over 8 lbs and up.  Add channel cats up to 20lb that hit lures like jigs and worms.

Since much of the cover is "hard".  That's my reason for over 50lb.  

I've used leaders and not used leaders.  

More to follow ... 


dragon1 and RISE reacted
Double Digit
Joined: 3 years ago
Posts: 719

Are you going to toss primarily jigs into the fallen trees and brush or fish frogs over top of them?  I wouldn't use braid in anything wood personally.

RISE reacted
Double Digit Admin
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Posted by: @dragon1

Are you going to toss primarily jigs into the fallen trees and brush or fish frogs over top of them?  I wouldn't use braid in anything wood personally.


I agree…too much stress on the rod if missed hook-sets cause you to embed that hook into a big piece of timber, unless of course it’s a slower tapered blank or sparse wood/trees. Then you could get away with it. 


dragon1 reacted
Double Digit
Joined: 3 years ago
Posts: 719

Posted by: @rise

Posted by: @dragon1

Are you going to toss primarily jigs into the fallen trees and brush or fish frogs over top of them?  I wouldn't use braid in anything wood personally.


I agree…too much stress on the rod if missed hook-sets cause you to embed that hook into a big piece of timber, unless of course it’s a slower tapered blank or sparse wood/trees. Then you could get away with it. 


And braid has a "nasty habit" (not the ones from the Motley Crue tour at that) of sticking to and catching wood at the most inopportune times...which is essentially, "all the time".  

