These rods are now available, with various models incorporating Torayca 1100G or M40X...and the entire lineup is priced very attractively.
Does anyone have any experience with the Revoltage lineup? Granted these new materials are the first time on the model line.
Lots of good trickle down, technology coming into these. Aesthetically so much better than the first generation, and that rear grip really adds just enough bling to make it seriously interesting.
might be worth grabbing a couple at that price point. Looks like there might be a lot of bang for the buck in them.
I had two of the original models. They were good rods! Got the job done, maybe a little heavy and the rear huge rubber section was a little annoying in the summer. But other than that I was pleased.
These new ones definitely have my attention. I'll grab one once they are on the used market for a reasonable price. lol