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Best/Most Sensitive Bottom Contact Rod

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Double Digit Admin
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@steve_23 I’ll post a lengthy reply to this sometime today, but until then…yes…they need to make a MH version of the RSR. The way they built that blank is pure magic. Stupid power and sensitivity to match. More to follow…

dragon1 reacted
Fingerling Customer
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Posts: 8

Posted by: @rise

@steve_23 I’ll post a lengthy reply to this sometime today, but until then…yes…they need to make a MH version of the RSR. The way they built that blank is pure magic. Stupid power and sensitivity to match. More to follow…

Stupid power and sensitivity is the best way to put it. My initial reaction was, "how can a rod THIS powerful be THIS sensitive!"

Can't wait sir. Take your time and thank you. 


RISE and dragon1 reacted
Double Digit Admin
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Posts: 1292

Posted by: @steve_23

Posted by: @rise

@steve_23 I’ll post a lengthy reply to this sometime today, but until then…yes…they need to make a MH version of the RSR. The way they built that blank is pure magic. Stupid power and sensitivity to match. More to follow…

Stupid power and sensitivity is the best way to put it. My initial reaction was, "how can a rod THIS powerful be THIS sensitive!"

Can't wait sir. Take your time and thank you. 



Just wanted to let you know, I haven’t forgotten about this. On the short vacation with my girlfriend to celebrate our third anniversary, so I’ll be back at it this coming week… Thanks for your patience.


Fingerling Customer
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Posts: 8

Posted by: @rise

Posted by: @steve_23

Posted by: @rise

@steve_23 I’ll post a lengthy reply to this sometime today, but until then…yes…they need to make a MH version of the RSR. The way they built that blank is pure magic. Stupid power and sensitivity to match. More to follow…

Stupid power and sensitivity is the best way to put it. My initial reaction was, "how can a rod THIS powerful be THIS sensitive!"

Can't wait sir. Take your time and thank you. 



Just wanted to let you know, I haven’t forgotten about this. On the short vacation with my girlfriend to celebrate our third anniversary, so I’ll be back at it this coming week… Thanks for your patience.



No worries at all. Like i said previously, please take your time as you're the one doing me the favor good sir!


dragon1 and RISE reacted
Fingerling Customer
Joined: 3 years ago
Posts: 9

Couple of fun bottom contact rods I have 

Sedition Hooligan 69H

and Tulala 67MH 

not sure if they are the MOST sensitive but they are fun to fish and unique 

dragon1 and RISE reacted
Double Digit Admin
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Posts: 1292

Posted by: @birdman2136

Couple of fun bottom contact rods I have 

Sedition Hooligan 69H

and Tulala 67MH 

not sure if they are the MOST sensitive but they are fun to fish and unique 

Hooligan is absolutely top tier… Often overlooked because of the way it’s built. Tons of power, excellent sensitivity, but that slower taper throws many people off, even though It fishes so nicely.


dragon1 reacted
Double Digit Admin
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Posts: 1292

@steve_23 alright, brother…again, my apologies for the delay. Life has gotten in the way these days and I’ve been working hard on new content and compiling new lists of specs for the site(s).

I want to mention that I have a very extensive and detailed article nearing completion…it’s essentially a huge bottom contact shootout that I’ve been working on for a loooong time. It’s all based on actual long-term/quality time, primarily spent with many rods over the last 3-5 years. That article delves into ALL the finer details and I don’t want to spoil it, but I’ll suggest a few, while leaving out/saving my GOAT sticks for the article.

That said… I’ll go backwards on your list. For that 5/8- 1oz range, the Rapid Gunner is all you’ll truly ever need and you already know what it’s capable of. Yes…we are all praying for a lighter powered version…let’s keep our fingers crossed that EG is working on one but I understand the undying thirst to find/try other sticks.

So, just to play devil’s advocate…for that lower part of said weight range, (5/8-3/4) you could definitely go with something like the Luxxe Oltre B70H, a Designo Semi Order in a 6’11” - 7’1” length (I get specific in the article). And…there are others that I highlight in the article that I’ll keep under my hat for now. Some truly surprising and in my experience…Lengendary performers.

That 3/8oz range is a broad one with many superstars that are separated by length, taper, balance and other details. I am very tech-specific with my rods and have MANY I utilize in this league, but a few to consider are: Steez RD 701MH “Hustler Technical Tune”, X7 Extreme Mission, Designo Torque Tune 610MHRst4s, and that 170MH PU is no slouch, but again…there are some doozies/all-stars I break down in the article. 

Now, that 1/8th-1/4oz Shakey or Finesse Jig…Personally, I will reach for two different sticks for these duties. Those choices are based on weed guard of the jig and/or type of plastic on that shakey head (craw, creature or worm, etc) One option is always a shorter solid tip that shuts down quickly for a couple of reasons. 1) that solid tip’s ability to impart action on that shakey head or even jig the depending on trailer. The other reason is probably obvious…backbone to drive that hook home.

Some of my favorites right now in this arena are a few of the Designos including the Overlay DLO C65MHRst5s, X7 Super Eiger (note, this is a tubular build and it won’t effectively dish 1/8 unless the worm is larger, or of heavier material), Smith Tourlier V-Spec Finesse Special, Deez 10th Anniversary TZ Ltd, EG TKIC Black Raven Tournament and……you’ll just have to find out what others make the list.

I know I’m dangling the carrot, but I hope this helps a bit and piques interest in the upcoming article.

There are a ton of great options out there. 

P.S. I’d like to suggest trying a Neko is various weights/sizes if you haven’t already. Deadly on lakes with good shakey head bites when you need to change things up a bit. It can be dragged and is is even better with quick, short pops of the rod tip and slightly twitching. Lots of fun sticks for this app as well. 

Kickerfish1 reacted
Fingerling Customer
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Posts: 8

@rise thx a lot for that reply. Now I'm really looking forward to the extensive write-up that's coming soon.

RISE reacted
Slot Fish
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Posts: 174

Posted by: @rise

Posted by: @steve_23

any more insight on this topic? it is extremely intriguing. thank you


Welcome aboard @Steve_23! Great people people in here with a wealth of knowledge. 

As for adding to the conversation…what are you looking for? Just a list of “greats” in the mentioned different weight ranges or something more specific?

I own/fish/have fished…let’s just say…wayyyy too many rods and more than half of the ones I own are bottom contact sticks. I’m throwing some form of bottom contact 75%-85% of the time I fish. It’s what I love doing. I keep adding more rods and looking for that next “better” stick in certain areas, but things…at least for now…have peaked. We are at a stage that if you need even more sensitivity than what’s available…I’d be surprised. That’s not to say that certain characteristics aren’t a factor, as they very much are and that’s the focus of my never-ending search for different things in this arena. 

That said…There are so many variables, models, lengths, tapers, different sticks for different subcategories of bottom contact, etc. I sincerely deem it very difficult to list a top 3, as I have rods for specific jobs and rarely grab a “multitasker” unless I’m taking the kayak out, or shore-banging which are rare occasions. 

Let me ask you. What 3-6 bottom contact baits are you most often throwing and in what conditions? 



Any chance the article is close to being posted? This off season of hard water here lends it self to tackle buying. 

And not the OP but as far 3-6 bottom contact baits I am throwing and in what conditions well that is easy. Just one bait, specifically the hula grub. In what contains you ask? 70-80 degrees, on the beaches and around tiki huts in Hawaii, light breeze and yours truly in hula skirt to match the bait. Looking forward to your feedback in helping me up my Hawaiin hula game 🤩 


Double Digit Admin
Joined: 5 years ago
Posts: 1292

Posted by: @kickerfish1

Posted by: @rise

Posted by: @steve_23

any more insight on this topic? it is extremely intriguing. thank you


Welcome aboard @Steve_23! Great people people in here with a wealth of knowledge. 

As for adding to the conversation…what are you looking for? Just a list of “greats” in the mentioned different weight ranges or something more specific?

I own/fish/have fished…let’s just say…wayyyy too many rods and more than half of the ones I own are bottom contact sticks. I’m throwing some form of bottom contact 75%-85% of the time I fish. It’s what I love doing. I keep adding more rods and looking for that next “better” stick in certain areas, but things…at least for now…have peaked. We are at a stage that if you need even more sensitivity than what’s available…I’d be surprised. That’s not to say that certain characteristics aren’t a factor, as they very much are and that’s the focus of my never-ending search for different things in this arena. 

That said…There are so many variables, models, lengths, tapers, different sticks for different subcategories of bottom contact, etc. I sincerely deem it very difficult to list a top 3, as I have rods for specific jobs and rarely grab a “multitasker” unless I’m taking the kayak out, or shore-banging which are rare occasions. 

Let me ask you. What 3-6 bottom contact baits are you most often throwing and in what conditions? 



Any chance the article is close to being posted? This off season of hard water here lends it self to tackle buying. 

And not the OP but as far 3-6 bottom contact baits I am throwing and in what conditions well that is easy. Just one bait, specifically the hula grub. In what contains you ask? 70-80 degrees, on the beaches and around tiki huts in Hawaii, light breeze and yours truly in hula skirt to match the bait. Looking forward to your feedback in helping me up my Hawaiin hula game 🤩 


Yes. It’s getting close. Just some final edits and pics to be inserted throughout. Weather, fires and power outages have definitely put a damper on motivation these past few weeks. A few immediate family members lost homes in the fires and are currently displaced. Crazy how quickly things can change…but again, I’m nearing the finish line for “part one”…🫡


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