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Slot Fish Admin
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While hunting for spots ran into some nice mature trout. Non native but was a nice surprise on top water. Sadly this was about 8 months ago.. moved overseas and working on getting a bite. It was a wake up call for me and the statement “the bass is always greener on the other side” stands true. A great memory nonetheless! Share some wild and unique catch’s on bass gear if you’ve got any! 

IMG 2938
IMG 2939

dragon1, RISE and Aquaftm reacted
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Limit Filler Customer
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Posts: 61

Awesome catch! I am loving the use of the Steez/Slantbridge combo for trout. I can't count how many trout I caught on my Morethan/Javelin combo with a ned rig while out west. Sometimes specialty tackle is a little oversold. I crack up everytime I see a post asking " What rod for throwing 5/16 oz Chatterbait in 22ft of water with an 8mph SW wind?"..or something of the sort..haha Hope you get back in the fish soon enough. 

hoohoorjoo, dragon1, RISE and 1 people reacted
Double Digit Admin
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Posted by: @gaijin

While hunting for spots ran into some nice mature trout. Non native but was a nice surprise on top water. Sadly this was about 8 months ago.. moved overseas and working on getting a bite. It was a wake up call for me and the statement “the bass is always greener on the other side” stands true. A great memory nonetheless! Share some wild and unique catch’s on bass gear if you’ve got any! 

IMG 2938
IMG 2939


This is so damn cool....and on limited/SP-C Pop Max's....you win the internet today. Bravo


dragon1 and Gaijin reacted
Double Digit Admin
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Posts: 1292

@aquaftm well said and I agree 100%. Reminds me of certain forum members that would ask those exact types of questions, lol...

Get out there and try different things. Don't be afraid to experiment. Just have fun....

dragon1 reacted
Double Digit Admin
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2019 Morethan/MGW 7th fighter Ltd…throwing 1/2oz spinners on the Rogue River in Oregon..Steelhead. 

DA2D2B3C B620 40D3 9B11 9B4BC7BD1B8D
8815D1E9 9B49 4953 BEF8 3E5158199794
F53F5B3E A107 464A 9B58 DC7CA1781964

dragon1, Aquaftm and Gaijin reacted
Slot Fish Admin
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@aquaftm pushing our equipment to the limit is where we enter into the exciting zone. lol anything prior to that is just for fun.

dragon1 and Aquaftm reacted
Slot Fish Admin
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@rise some solid fish! you really like the new morthan don't you? Definitely a sleek reel with good stats based on your review.

dragon1 and RISE reacted
Limit Filler Customer
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Posts: 82

@rise It has been years since I've fished for Steelhead. I have very fond memories going fishing for them with my father. I thought they were just overgrown rainbow trout. Oh no...turns out they're a whole different beast.

Always learning...

Gaijin and dragon1 reacted
Double Digit Admin
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Posts: 1292

@gaijin very much enjoy the reel, aside from the mag seal bearings. Not a fan. Everything else about it…great.

Gaijin and dragon1 reacted
Double Digit Admin
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@pkn8 absolutely right. They are a blast to fish for/catch, and I love fishing in current, to-boot. 

Target casting, current breaks, eddies…great time, can’t wait to do it again this year. 

Gaijin and dragon1 reacted
Double Digit
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Posted by: @pkn8

@rise It has been years since I've fished for Steelhead. I have very fond memories going fishing for them with my father. I thought they were just overgrown rainbow trout. Oh no...turns out they're a whole different beast.


Anadromous evolution created a whole new level of brute strength and tenacity especially on the fight...surviving saltwater environments with larger, stronger, faster competition and predators, undoubtedly pushed the evolutionary envelope of the steelhead variety.


Gaijin and pkn8 reacted
Double Digit
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Posted by: @rise

@gaijin very much enjoy the reel, aside from the mag seal bearings. Not a fan. Everything else about it…great.

Greg, have you tried removing all the MagSeal bearings and replacing with standard spec?


Double Digit
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Posts: 719
IMG 20191031 145544514 HDR
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IMG 20190831 084057572 HDR
IMG 20191001 185430 364

Gaijin, RISE and Aquaftm reacted
Limit Filler Customer
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Posts: 61

Joining the party..

IMG 0739
IMG 0738
IMG 0736


Gaijin, RISE and dragon1 reacted
Double Digit
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Posts: 719


Nice bro, are those brookies or splake?  Doesn't seem to have a deep enough forked tail to be a splake.

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