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IMZ Limitbreaker

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Like Fisher
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Daiwa's foray into digital casting reels in the modern age: utilization with a smartphone.


BlitzDR reacted
Double Digit Admin
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Thank god they didn’t abandon the Z. Incredibly excited about this. Gonna be very cool. Intelligent Magforce Z (IMZ)…way to go D. Hopefully ut doesn’t suck…😆

BlitzDR reacted
Like Fisher
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@rise plugging it in after using it is rubbing me the wrong way...

Chunky Monkey Customer
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It’s interesting but is it practical?  What’s that term the hipster coders use, “Killer App”?  From what I’m able to understand, which was very little at the time, it would seem more to be a saltwater angler thing.  But anglers, being what anglers are, will probably find something to do with it.

RISE reacted
Like Fisher
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Easier to digest breakdown of the reel. Would love to see a standard magforce model down the line.

Double Digit Admin
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Not feeling 90 minutes/700 casts of usable time between charges and no “on the fly adjustments”, not to mention you must be connected to app for it to utilize all functionality…disappointed actually. 

pkn8 and Like Fisher reacted
Double Digit Admin
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@blitzdr not practical at all, actually...more digging reveals its app is for use in japan only, along with multiple other letdowns. Hoping for a watered down JDM or USDM version. Truly HD bearings, 3D braking, Boost inductor tune, deep spool with ample 25lb test capacity and you've got a winner that'll take a lot of my money.

BlitzDR reacted
Double Digit Customer
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Posts: 512

i just want the spool.  i was super excited at first then i started getting more indepth with it and i believe it will flop but i hope for a non app version

Good Times
Slot Fish
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Just a money grab, folks. What I find most intriguing, outside the obvious monetary implication of an app, is the simple fact that whatever it might accomplish is attainable by reels we already own. Even if we had to use no tension and no brake of any kind, there will be no casting further. I don't need a computer to do that, and do in fact know a few guys who use casters this exact way. More than a few actually. Serious OG distance casters though, I am not one of them, it's doable, I've done it, but too risky for my taste throwing anything of even entry level value. I suppose there's a  slight chance I'm wrong about all this, but I'm not.

RISE reacted
Double Digit
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Posts: 700

Pass...overthinking killed the masterpiece.
