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Forum Features and Tips

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Record Breaker Admin
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Please take a minute to review this info, as we highlight some of the unique and custom features of the forum for our users.

Adding images to your post is simple and easy.

From your mobile device, just tap the ‘Attach Files’ button highlighted in red below the response field with the paper clip icon next to it, to choose images from your photo library, take new photos or browse files stored on your device.

Select the images you'd like to add (Up to 150 MB total per post), tap the ‘ADD’ button and wait for the images to be uploaded to your thread. You will see a spinning icon in the upper right corner of your screen with the word ‘Working’ below it. This lets you know that your images are being uploaded and a notification will be displayed once the images are done uploading to your thread.

From a desktop or laptop, click on ‘Attach Files’ and choose the images you would like to add from the appropriate folder or files. Then select ‘Open’ to attach the image.

IMPORTANT: When developing this site, one of our biggest priorities was ensuring our users can easily and quickly upload high-quality images vs. having to go through the hassle of extra steps and/or resizing attachments. Our system automatically resizes extra-large images (so you don't have to) while retaining excellent image quality and resolution so that we can all admire the finer details. 

With that said... Depending on the speed & strength of your connection, please understand that the larger the image(s), or total size of the image(s) selected is, the longer it can take to upload into your post. Please be patient if you're adding very large files and it's taking a few extra seconds. Let the system do its job and we strongly believe you won't regret it.

Some devices will give you the option at the bottom of the screen to ‘Show Selected’ after you have selected images you want to upload into your post. This is an additional option available on some devices and can help in certain situations where connection speed or signal strength is slow or weak. We suggest keeping it simple and allowing the system to do its job whenever possible.

Tap to expand images and other special features

Once images are added to a thread, they are displayed as low-resolution thumbnails within the posts/thread until they are tapped/selected.

Tap any image to expand it into a high-resolution image.

ALL Images added to any thread become part of a swipe-able slideshow and can also be enlarged or reduced utilizing “Pinch To Zoom”, which is a custom-written feature made just for the Tackle Porn Forum.

Gifs and Emoticons can be easily added to a post by tapping one of the corresponding icons in the bottom right-hand corner of the text window.

Note: RAW images are not supported.

Drafts can be saved in case you need to stop in the middle of a post, which makes it easy to complete at a later time, as long as you leave the page open in your browser. Just click the “Save Draft” button below the post/text box. 

Note: Any revisions made after the initial post is created will be automatically saved thereafter. You can look at or revert to any of the previous posts by clicking on the “Revisions” button below the text/post window.

To select your preferred language, scroll down to the bottom of any page to access the “Select Language” dropdown menu and change the displayed language.

We hope this aids our users further in enjoying our site and please know we are here to help.

Send any questions or comments to: and we will respond as quickly as possible.

Thanks for the support!

Keep Grinding


dragon1, HooksAndCaffeine, Good Times and 2 people reacted