Angler's utoPIA Nat...
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Angler's utoPIA Natural Seven

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I recently posted this to another site before I realized this was up and running. Since it's my latest acquisition, I thought it might be worth re-posting to become initiated here.

For years I've been going to the beach using bass fishing tackle and for years I've been thinking about an Apia Natural Seven. I could either never pull the trigger when one came up or find one when I was ready. In 2020, Apia released what they called the Last Edition of the Foojin AD series. And, as in previous years, I did not get my act together and could not find an available natural seven in time. Only 77 were made, so I figured my chance for one had slipped away again. A year later, I found one from the Last Edition run. My new beach set up.

Apia Foojin AD Natural Seven, The Last Edition. 7ft 7, 12-42 g, Line max #2 with Luvias Airity.

30F5029F 7376 48E7 A949 05E20BF6D8BF
765BC1E2 1F31 4374 BE6D 6961919F1728
B8E730B3 35A3 4038 B514 2FC56E5305EB
DA5DA9EE A169 434B 8A33 1F3B3CBADB03
2DC7089A 9FC0 49EF AC27 3B265A0AE7E2
53970979 4C21 4349 8660 B1E342904F90
F746E24D 5DD9 43F8 8278 6D33917B1FD3


Like Fisher, Good Times, RISE and 1 people reacted
Double Digit Admin
Joined: 5 years ago
Posts: 1276

First off, welcome to the family. It’s great to see you over here, Polkfish. And…Outstanding first post.

Absolutely beautiful combo. Patience often pays off when we are searching for our unicorns and this is no exception. Well done, sir. That rod is gorgeous. 


How are you liking it, overall? Pros…any cons? 



Joined: 3 years ago
Posts: 42

Beautiful rod, but only 77 made! 😮 
Nice to see some spinning tackle for a change since I'm always feeling a little lost amongst all the BC. 
A matching Daiwa Apia on it might look good 😋 

Double Digit
Joined: 3 years ago
Posts: 700

WOW...just a fabulous combo!  Thanks for sharing.

FWIW, I have been successfully using a Shimano 8'3" Hard Rock MH rockfish spinning rod for everything from 1/4 Team Daiwa Poppers to 1 oz Lipless to 3/4 oz metal blade baits the last year.

Good to see some different paradigms in fishing gear outside the norm.

Slot Fish
Joined: 3 years ago
Posts: 172

Nice outfit, and welcome!

Limit Filler Customer
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@rise Thanks RISE:

I'm having a hard time finding cons at this point. I love the versatility and operability for a salt rod.

At 7'7", I can still effectively launch baits from shore, but it's short enough to be highly operable with rip/jerk baits, which I tend to work really fast in the surf. It is light and well balanced, which allows me to go as long as the fish are biting. It has great handle ergonomics for massive two handed casts.

Nice progressive taper from med fast to regular depending on load allows batting a wide range of fish with confidence. I can strong arm a shark when things get dicey, but also handle a ladyfish gently enough for a safe release.

It has a center cut break with beautiful ferrules reinforced with extra tape in that area. This allows it to bend and fish like a single piece and much unlike travel rods of days past.

It's a versatile and highly operable rod which makes ninja-style, stealthy fishing in public and semi-private beaches a breeze. Also, even when I target snook, I may invariably hook into 5 or more by-catch species and it does well no matter the taker. It goes from shark to ladyfish seamlessly. Also, the length and action allows accurate on-target delivery of baits if I'm casting at buoys, areas where birds are feeding or piers.

Some more pictures to illustrate the two piece construction, handle, and balance. 

FCD31396 E8CC 4C00 BB7E B5A038156DB8 (1)


IMG 6827
IMG 6825
IMG 6836
953887CA 7E2B 46B8 86A0 68589E61830E
ACFF320C 4F26 4568 A764 4615BD60B021
53F7AC6E 22C3 4DAA BACE EFA4915A7721


dragon1 and RISE reacted
Double Digit Admin
Joined: 5 years ago
Posts: 1276

@polkfish1 great info/write-up and those beautiful fish are just icing on the cake. Love it!

Good Times
Slot Fish
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Posts: 169

VERY nice... Ask around, I'm not easily impressed. That's a short stick to find on surf but I'm with you it. I LOVE surf casting, so Zen like and rhythmic every time I'm there I feel like I've extended my lifetime by a week. And with my stress levels I probably have. I wish I could do it much more often, but such is fate.

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Limit Filler Customer
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@keeping-it-reel Thanks man! Yeah; I’ve always thought about the Apia Lunker Custom but then when the LT reels came out, I kind of cooled down on that idea. But that’s a monkey that still gnaws on me.

Limit Filler Customer
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@dragon1 Thanks man. I’ll have to check out the Shimano offerings. 

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