K Imae's Ayu Roid J...
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K Imae's Ayu Roid Javalon Tail Mod Givaway

4 Posts
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Joined: 3 years ago
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Hey all, my previous post is a bit broken, So I decided to make another one.  As promised, I want to give away 2 of my modded AyuRoid baits to the members on this forum to fish for themselves. 

Comment here, And I'll random number generate a winner.   My condition is you try and fish it, and if you catch a fish, share it with the group.

280384200 687869692470206 1866839085237649610 n


"The things you own, end up owning you." -

RISE, BlitzDR and Good Times reacted
Good Times
Slot Fish
Joined: 3 years ago
Posts: 170

Mighty cool of you, big props from this end. Well, I'm your Huckleberry. Count me in, I'd love to fish it, always intrigued throwing new stuff, and comfortable up into 8's. Not man enough (or crazy enough) to throw bigger with element of true intent though.

Double Digit Admin
Joined: 5 years ago
Posts: 1292

Very cool of you. Count me in, bud. 

Limit Filler
Joined: 3 years ago
Posts: 85
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Congratulations to the both of you, I'll send you a PM and ship out the baits. 😎 

"The things you own, end up owning you." -
